Liquid Level Measurement


On producing wells, acoustic fluid level measurements were introduced with the dual objective of determining how much fluid is present above the pump intake (in beam pumped wells) and/or perforation level (in other wells) and estimating dynamic and static pressures at the depth of producing zone.

SSIPL has inbuilt capabilities for acquiring accurate liquid level and casing pressure data along with highly skilled team for proper analysis and interpretation. We have experience of analyzing, interpreting and calculating Liquid level for over 100000 wells .

Additional Services for Liquid Level Measurement Include:


Foam Free Liquid Level measurement:

In case of gas production, in Hydrocarbon wells (especially CBM wells), due to gas flow, liquid column gets aerated with gasified column, hence measured liquid level is often inaccurate. SSIPL has capabilities to calculate gas free liquid column and provide accurate liquid level for calculation of Producing Bottom hole pressure. We have Published SPE paper on same.

Liquid Level measurement in Decompleted wells:

Sometimes wells are shut in and tubing needs to be repaired or changed. SSIPL has capability to measure accurate Liquid level from casing in absence of tubing using acoustic velocity method.

Liquid Level measurement in Gas Lift wells:

Liquid Level measurements in gas wells are used to determine the fluid and pressure distribution in a flowing gas well by generally doing the surveys in the tubing. The measured values are then used to determine the extent of liquid loading of the well and can be used to optimize production performance. The principal objective of the measurement in gas lift well is the determination of quantity of liquid resident in tubing. Since acoustic velocity varies in Gas wells as a function of depth, SSIPL use anomaly marker method (from gas lift mandrels and valves) to provide the accurate liquid level data using best instruments and software for analysis.

The same has been implemented very successfully by India’s biggest Oil Producing company in there offshore assets.

Liquid Level measurement in Drilling:

A rise in level can be interpreted as an early indication of kick during drilling or tripping operations. The level can also be used to determine the correct volume of fluid to pump into the well while tripping out of the hole.

Velocity Analysis for Liquid Level:

Acoustic velocity can be defined as the speed of Sound wave in the wellbore. These sound waves travels faster or slower depending on the density, pressure and temperature of the wellbore environment. Since depth of the liquid level is directly proportional to the acoustic velocity and this velocity changes field to field, it is very important to calculate specific acoustic velocity for each area. SSIPL has capabilities to calculate the acoustic velocity for better estimation of liquid level.
