Production Optimization


Production Optimization of SRP Wells

Production optimization is defined as, “A collection of monitoring, control, automation, communication and software technologies that when combined, can facilitate optimum production of hydrocarbon and in doing so increase reservoir life, ultimate recovery performance and reduce operating expenditure.”

In SRP system, Production optimization includes, real time monitoring of liquid level as well as performance of pump (by dynamometer curves) over a significant period of time and to troubleshoot by various analysis and calculation modules for maximizing the benefit of optimization.

As per statistics, more than half of the artificial lift wells are on Sucker rod pump. SSIPL Production optimization activities includes.

–          One point Study.

–          Two point Study.

–          24 Hour Study.

–          Automation using Wireless Instruments and Internet for Remote Fields

It includes:

–          Overview of data collected over a period of time.

–          Calculation of Downhole dynamometer curves, rod load, torque loads, counterbalance study, etc.

–          Recommendations on Wellhead pressure, running hours of well, other troubleshooting measures for optimum running of well.

–          History matching for dynacards.
