Well Test Analysis


Well Test Analysis:

On producing wells, periodic tests are made to adjust reservoir description and to evaluate need for well treatment such as workover, perforation strategy or design of completion to maximize production life. One such practice, Pressure Build up studies characterize the ability of fluid to flow through the reservoir in dynamic conditions as opposed to geologic and log data and make possible to determine reservoir permeability, reservoir pressure, production potential, well geometry and reservoir heterogeneities.

As per the statistics, most of all producing wells are being produced on Artificial Lifts. In these wells, presence of rod strings and pump prevent adapting conventional well testing methods. Also installation of permanent gauges and/or temporary removal of rod and pump for analysis is quite un-economical, hence, only practical as well as economical solution is by estimation of Bottom hole pressure (BHP) data by using liquid level measurements in casing along with surface pressure data.

SSIPL has inbuilt capabilities for Pressure build up analysis from liquid level and surface pressure data along with suitable calculators and software to calculate bottom-hole pressure and resultant parameters. We have experience of performing Pressure build up studies in Oil wells and CBM Wells to estimate Permeability, Skin factor, Reservoir pressure, Productivity Index, IPR etc.
